The race hoax of Jussie Smollett is just the tip of the iceberg. The national media has splashed it all over the headlines again and again, white people were doing horrible racist things to black people. But then something strange always seemed to follow each instance. The police investigations always concluded that it was the black victim who had orchestrated the entire thing from the beginning. Incredible! In fact, I can't think of a single supposed hate crime which was promoted by the national media that ever turned out to be an actual racist incident. They always turn out to be race hoax aimed at an imaginary white person. is a catalog of these race hoaxes that seem to be happening at a higher rate in America than actual racist incidents.
attempted lynching and a chemical assault by two white men. He claimed this happened because he was black and gay. A clear double hate crime. He claimed it was all perpetrated by Trump supporters.
From the very start, Smollett did not cooperate with the police investigation and some began to get suspicious.
After telling a constantly changing story and some strange behavior by Smollett, the Chicago police eventually charged Smollett with making a false police report.
In December of 2021 he was found guilty of lying and in March of 2021 he was sentenced to jail time and a fine of $145,000 for staging a fake racial attack. He went as far as paying the attackers with a personal check.
Jussie Smollett was the author of Fake News.
"Get hanged. Die. Kill Yourself." message on Instagram was actually sent by a black female student.
Turns out, a black student at Wayne State Univ in Michigan egged her own house.
Black student admits to setting fire to her own dorm room after claiming it was a hate crime.
ESPN promotes the noose story that turns out to be garage door pull handle.
Racit Graffiti sprayed at California high school...a black student did it.
Racist signs above water fountains. A person of color did it again.
Racial slur graffiti at school was written by a African American student.
College student puts racist notes on his own car.
Other stories about race
Trust in the Black Lives Matter organization falls. Support to de fund the police falls as well.
Longtime NYT reporter for saying the N-word.
Black college students want racial segregation in the dorms.
University thought it was good to segregate against whites.
Opinion on the progress of black people in America.
Latinos hate the term 'Latinx'.
White Nationalist Richard Spencer Votes for Joe Biden.
Seattle-area schools tell 2nd graders cops are racist.
Police chief says that the media is making up their own narrative on race.
Thomas Sowell discusses the origins of disparities between races.
There Is No Epidemic of Racist Police Shootings.
The Woke are lying, check the data of police shootings for yourself.
How Communists have brainwashed Americans in colleges and elsewhere.